Happy New Year 2023! I wanted to mention some of the things that went into the latest update of JyotishTools Pro (or JTPro since some platforms want shorter labels). The update was available at the end of the year. First off, the atlas has changed. Now you select the country you want or will be working with most of the time. This selection is automatically saved so the next time you run the app it will already be selected. This helps limit what were long lists of cities to search through especially starting with the same letters. The city search field is above the city list and updates as you enter more characters.
The atlas has also been purged of duplicate city names. Some countries, like Mexico, had quite a few of those. Sometimes, for some unknown reason, city districts were included as a city when the main city was all that was needed. Though the atlas swelled in size, because I put the time zone information with the city entry for performance reasons, (as well as for rectifying charts) it also shrunk down due to purging the duplicates.
Also I fixed the omission of LMT (Local Mean Time) calculation which I thought was already included. This is only of importance when doing historical charts mainly in the 19th century. It’s a simple calculation where the longitude is divided by 15. As always I like to remind users to be careful with time zones especially before 1968. Even some US states had more than one time zone. Time zones will also return an ID code like LMT, DST, STD, IST, etc. and sometimes just the zone offset like -03.
Also added were the lucky numbers given in Systems Approach and found on the info page. I hope you are lucky with your number.
Lastly but not least, by popular request, for iOS users I’ve added the import of Jyotish Dashboard charts (.jdb) which may save some users from having to enter them again.
Best of luck and transits in the coming year!