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News, Tips and Information

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Backup, Backup, Backup!

I shouldn’t have to mention this and some already know but there seems to be a number of users these days moving from one brand of mobile device to another. They ask how to move their charts to the new device. One thing to do before you hand off your old phone or tablet to a relative or friend is to back up your charts on it. You should have been doing that regularly to begin with even just to be sure they don’t get lost if you lose your device or it crashes.

Current JyotishTools apps for mobile except Quick Jyotish which saves files in the text based QuickCharts format, saves charts as an SQLite database. They can be named differently depending on the app. They are cross compatible. And it doesn’t matter how they are saved because the apps can import them under any name. JyotishTools Android saves the charts as JTCharts.db, Tropical Skies as TSCharts.db and JyotishTools Pro as Charts.db. The way the database works is that it checks to see if it is the proper format before it begins importing. Also if you have an exact copy of a chart it will skip it so you don’t wind up with a duplicate.

Probably the easiest place to store your chart off the device is on the Google Cloud, Apple’s iCloud or Microsoft OneDrive. Then you can easily download the database again from there to your new device. On JyotishTools Android and Tropical Skies the tools that do this are under the menu as Backup/Restore. On JyotishTools Pro they are under Utilities in the Menu (those three lines at the upper left). Just follow the prompts.

In Closing, I would like to also mention that exciting new things are coming soon and in the works now.

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JyotishTools.com does not collect any personal data on our website. The Microsoft Store, Google Play, Apple iTunes and Amazon both have their own Privacy Policies so refer to those when ordering from them.

The Online Horoscope does not store any personal information on the website

Android apps only make limited use of permissions so that app licensing, GPS and online help will work. Storage and access to external memory is for storing horoscopes, pictures of charts for your use and access to atlases. GPS or Location is limited to finding your present location for current transits.

Some of our apps include a contact form which does collect the platform, device model and OS version running the app which is sent along with the user message. This expedites supporting the user's help request.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on Sep 3rd, 2024. If you have any questions feel free to contact us directly at support@jyotishtools.com.