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Tools for astrologers and more

Featuring JyotishTools Pro

Featuring JyotishTools Pro
desktop and mobile devices

Desktop: Windows 10/11
Mobile: iPhone, iPad and Android

desktop and mobile devices

Desktop: Windows 10/11
Mobile: iPhone, iPad and Android


  • Six chart styles
  • Endless scrolling dashas
  • A transit chart that with changeable date and slider to adjust the date 30 days on either side or adjust the time over 24 hours.
  • Wheel transit chart with biwheel.
  • A full information report including strengths, signification of the planets in the horoscope. This page is also available as a printout.
  • Printable horoscope page including selected divisional chart, transits and dashas.
  • Printable divisional charts page.
  • Bhukti group list.
  • Systems Approach Triple Transit Report
  • Thirty Day Planetary Strength Report
  • Aspect page for planets and Systems Approach MEPs
  • Ephemeris
  • Graphic Ephemeris for tracking transits
  • Muhurta Tool
  • Utilities for importing and exporting charts for backup.
  • Sort the horoscope database by ascendant and save the list as text.
  • Save all horoscope notes into one text file.
  • Save the chart info report as a text file.
  • Save the current horoscope listing as a PNG image.
  • And more....
  • Six chart styles
  • Endless scrolling dashas
  • A transit chart that with changeable date and slider to adjust the date 30 days on either side or adjust the time over 24 hours.
  • Wheel transit chart with biwheel.
  • A full information report including strengths, signification of the planets in the horoscope. This page is also available as a printout.
  • Printable horoscope page including selected divisional chart, transits and dashas.
  • Printable divisional charts page.
  • Bhukti group list.
  • Systems Approach Triple Transit Report
  • Thirty Day Planetary Strength Report
  • Aspect page for planets and Systems Approach MEPs
  • Ephemeris
  • Graphic Ephemeris for tracking transits
  • Muhurta Tool
  • Utilities for importing and exporting charts for backup.
  • Sort the horoscope database by ascendant and save the list as text.
  • Save all horoscope notes into one text file.
  • Save the chart info report as a text file.
  • Save the current horoscope listing as a PNG image.
  • And more....

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*iPad version also available. iPhone and iPad apps may be run on Macs with macOS 11.0 or later and if the Mac has the Apple M1 chip. iPhone version may also be run on an iPad in portrait mode letterboxed.
Not available as a bundle between different platforms. License is not transferable between platforms. See Support for more information.

JyotishTools for Android

jyotishtools android main screen

Features include:

  • Northern, Southern and Eastern style charts.
  • Colored charts and Dasha display for Systems Approach.
  • Mahadasha, bhukti and pratyantar dasha display.
  • Choice of western glyphs, English or Sanskrit for zodiac.
  • Divisional charts with support for Parivritti and Iyer calculations.
  • Ashtakavarga and Shripati charts.
  • Mean or True Node selection.
  • System Approach analysis.
  • Five degree aspects display.
  • Ephemeris with daily, weekly, monthly and yearly display.
  • Large atlas with over 253,000 locations.
  • Google Maps support to find locations anywhere on the globe.
  • GPS support for Prasna charts.
  • Save chart as graphic including dashas, varga chart and notes for email or printing.
  • And More...

*10" tablets display landscape only. (Not available with Amazon version) (Amazon version does not include Maps)

Features JyotishTools Android JyotishTools Pro
North, South, East Chart Styles
Glyphs or Text
Color Charts
Popular and Custom Ayanamshas
Chart Nodes
Wheel and Hybrid Chart Styles
Graphical Ephemeris
Triple Transit Report
30 Day Forecast
Aspects List
Muhurta Tool
Bhukti List
Ascendants Search
Interactive Transit Chart
Save Chart Images
Scroll Dashas Up to 2400AD
Printer and PDF Output

Tropical Skies for Android

Entry level Western Astrology App

tropical skies screen

Features include:

  • Transits bi-wheel.
  • Both geocentric and sidereal calculations for astrological charts.
  • House systems include Placidus, Koch, Porphyry, Regiomontanus and Equal.
  • Both portrait and landscape displays of chart, aspect table and Chiron.
  • Classic orbs selectable from Settings.
  • Save horoscope as a picture to email or print.
  • Large atlas with over 253,000 locations.
  • And More...

Amazon version does not include Maps

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All Rights Reserved
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Privacy Policy

JyotishTools.com does not collect any personal data on our website. The Microsoft Store, Google Play, Apple iTunes and Amazon both have their own Privacy Policies so refer to those when ordering from them.

The Online Horoscope does not store any personal information on the website

Android apps only make limited use of permissions so that app licensing, GPS and online help will work. Storage and access to external memory is for storing horoscopes, pictures of charts for your use and access to atlases. GPS or Location is limited to finding your present location for current transits.

Some of our apps include a contact form which does collect the platform, device model and OS version running the app which is sent along with the user message. This expedites supporting the user's help request.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on Jul 24th, 2024. If you have any questions feel free to contact us directly at support@jyotishtools.com.