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JyotishTools Android updates and more

Special Note: I’ve posted a video at the bottom of that shows how to deal with the problem when updating on Tropical Skies but the fix is essentially the same for JyotishTools.

I recently posted an update for JyotishTools for Android. This was supposed to have gone up last year but frankly the Google “deprecation” library example was unfinished and the pandemic didn’t help any. It was probably good to wait as the main problem of backing up and restoring charts and a personal atlas (if anyone still uses that) has been made more robust.

Regarding that I immediately got a review that I wasn’t too surpised that when the update was run the user got the message “No Charts Found”. What the app is supposed to do is look for the JyotishTools folder in the root directory and see if JTCharts.db exists. If so it downloads it to the app files folder which is internal. Note his only happens with an update not a fresh install*.

Perhaps depending on the device this may not happen so I included in the Help file (which apparently no one reads) what to do which is very simple: just select Restore Charts from the Backup/Restore menu and locate the JyotishTools folder and select the JTCharts.db file. The charts in that database file will then be imported to a newly created JTCharts.db in the device files folder. If there are already some charts in that database internal file then the charts from the old database file will be imported.

The location of the file has been moved to protect against some long term problems some users encountered. As best as I could detect some over zealose virus protection apps were blocking access to that folder and thus users told me they could open their charts. But examining their chart file showed there was nothing wrong with the database.

And Google does prefer we keep these files in private app storage. The update also allows you to backup this file to more places including Google Drive than was possible before.

Also included in the update was an improved Location feature (was known as GPS). It is more reliable and faster than getting information from GPS satellites. However if you find it is telling you the current location is the Gulf of Guineau which is zero degrees longitude and latitude you may need to “prime” the location pump which can be done by running Google Maps. But that library has been much improved so hopefully this will not be necessary.

*Except there may be a situation where JyotishTools was uninstalled and yet that folder and file may still be around. This might even cause a crash. The problem there may be solved by selecting JyotishTools in the device Settings and allowing JyotishTools permission to access files. This only needs to be done for this one time only operation as the new file access automatically grants access to user file folders and files. If this were an update the permission would have been set from previous installs. Yup, things can get complicated.

On a final note the improvement is also coming to Tropical Skies.

Tropical Skies has been updated and I have created a video which shows how to restore charts after a warning message is given when run. This generally only happens on Android 11 devices and up.

There is no warning message in JyotishTools but the fix is essentially the same.

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Android apps only make limited use of permissions so that app licensing, GPS and online help will work. Storage and access to external memory is for storing horoscopes, pictures of charts for your use and access to atlases. GPS or Location is limited to finding your present location for current transits.

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