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New Features in JyotishTools Pro Android

Quick Update: If you see Import Charts in the Utilities menu greyed out then select any text file save like the Forecast text file and when presented a page to save select Create Folder from the three dot menu in the right. Name it JyotishTools. Here’s a videos on how to do that:

And if you’re here and wondering where the videos are for using the new filesystem then you’ve just downloaded and installed JyotishTools Pro for Android phones version 1.42, the video is below and it will show you how to use the new feature for saving files and importing them.

Some of you may already be familiar by using other software. What it does is (sorta) allow you to do what you’ve always been able to do on Windows and that is select the folder where you want to save your data. You can even create a new folder to save too. This will also allow you to back up your chart database and then if you want back it up to the cloud not limited to Google Drive.

Interesting thing in testing this that it seems to work better in older versions of Android (5+) than in the latest version 11. When you open a folder using Android 11 you can’t just save to that folder even if you just saved a file there. You will need to back out of that folder then go back into it. What I found using Android 7 was that it says “Select” on the lower right so backing out is not needed. Don’t ask me why Google changed it for Android 11. Here’s the video

Anyway outside the JyotishTools Pro app you can access these files using the Files app on your phone or tablet.

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