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Introducing BNN Scratchpad

Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology (BNN) is popular these days. It is very useful for snapshot horoscopes especially if the birth time is not known. To help learn BNN I have created a simple web app, BNN Scratchpad, to learn it in steps. I’ve also added a new section, BNN, to this site dedicated to Bhrigu Nadi Nadi.

BNN does use the lagna nor dashas. It uses the position of Jupiter as the Jiva and it’s progression through the zodiac 12 years in each sign. Jupiter and all planets aspect in trines 1,5,9. Planets are also grouped into 4 directions East, South, West and North beginning from the sign Aries and repeat again.

BNN Scratchpad displays both northern and southern chart styles. Since BNN is about signs not houses the northern chart is a fixed sign version with what would be the first house is always Aries.

With BNN Scratchpad you only need to enter the birthdate. Add the name is optional. Accepted dates are between 1900-2100 AD. The asterisk is the current progressed Jupiter sign. As an example some possible professions are listed for the person. Planetary positions are UTC for 12 noon.

Astrologer Prof. R G Rao published the book Bhrigu Nandi Nadi (Amazon) with over 500 horoscopes with interpretation. Rao also published a book early in this century “Fundamental of Rao’s System of Nadi Astrology” explaining how the techniques work which may be found online.

There are numerous tutorials on YouTube. Some are in English and others in Hindi. Note that YouTube is now able to translate Hindi real time to English or other languages for some videos with Closed Comments. I also will prepare a tutorial video on how to use BNN ScratchPad.

There is a lot to cover here on interpretation but the idea is not to memorize but to learn by concepts. At that there are only 4 directions the astrologer needs to interpret (with regard to the age that they occur). With patience and study one may master this system.

Click Here to run BNN Scratchpad

BNN ScratchPad tutorial:

Note that charts may be saved as PDFs from the browser as Print. As always contact support@jyotishtools.com for any questions.

Stay tuned for more information, tutorials and updates on the BNN section.

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