

News, Tips and Information

News, Tips and Information

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Latest Update

JyotishTools Pro on all three platforms recently got an update. Mostly it was to fix any existing printing bugs. Some users reported that the document was cut off and only a portion displaying or savable.

Printing on mobile devices seems to have been an afterthought so a few folks figured it out (thankfully so I didn’t have to). What is being printed is an HTML document, IOW a web page. Problem is compatibility between different “webviews” which a feature that can display HTML (like the Help file in Pro) and may also be used to send that document to a printer, PDF or other formats (Windows offers more). There were a couple problems with Windows that showed up. Android seemed to have the best compatibility as it’s webview is based on Chrome. iOS had a few problems as for some reason Apple wants to do it’s own thing which may not always be compatible with HTML standards.

Anyway I was able particularly to get the “Info” page to format properly in two columns on one page. On iOS I added PDF output last year but it also happens that newer iOS versions can print to a PDF. If you have any problems then please use the Contact Form on Pro on the Help page to let me know. And that includes any other problems because lone wolf software developers don’t alway catch every error.

Another fix was the transit slider which seemed to work OK on Android but not so much Windows and iOS. A slight rewrite fixed that. Again let me know if you do not thing it is working right.

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JyotishTools.com does not collect any personal data on our website. The Microsoft Store, Google Play, Apple iTunes and Amazon both have their own Privacy Policies so refer to those when ordering from them.

The Online Horoscope does not store any personal information on the website

Android apps only make limited use of permissions so that app licensing, GPS and online help will work. Storage and access to external memory is for storing horoscopes, pictures of charts for your use and access to atlases. GPS or Location is limited to finding your present location for current transits.

Some of our apps include a contact form which does collect the platform, device model and OS version running the app which is sent along with the user message. This expedites supporting the user's help request.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on Oct 9th, 2024. If you have any questions feel free to contact us directly at support@jyotishtools.com.