



I'm new to mobile devices. How do I see the other charts, dashas, etc?
With JyotishTools, JyotishTools Pro and Tropical Skies just slide main chart to the left to see the next screen. Slide to the right to see the previous screen. There are also menus on each app either accessible with three horizontal bars in the upper left (on Pro) or on the upper right on the other apps when on the chart screen. On Pro there are three icons on the upper right which are for New (enter new chart), Open (open a previously saved chart) and Save (save the current chart). Help on these apps give this information too.

I need to install the app I bought to a new device or computer.
For instructions on how to install a purchased app to your new device read here:
So You Bought a New Computer?

Missing Charts After Update
Your charts are not missing. You just need to import them. Please see this article which includes a helpful instruction video.

I had JyotishTools Pro on Android, now I have an iPhone. Do I need to purchase again?
Unfortunately yes. Google and Apple are two different companies and they don't cross license. More information here.

Glyphs are not printing using JyotishTools Pro on Windows
You need to install the glyph font to print. Here is the file to download and unzip. Just click on it to install on your computer: Download File.

Check out the NEWS section for helpful articles and tips.


JyotishTools has been developing astrology software since 1998 beginning with the first free Windows vedic astrology program Junior Jyotish. Next came Jyotish To Go for the Palm platform. In 2003 JyotishTools for the Pocket PC was released and followed by JyotishTools for Windows. In recent years the product line expanded to Android and iOS apps.

JyotishTools products are developed by Brian Conrad the Technical Director and Publishing Director at Maxis Software in the 1990s.

Contact Us

The paid apps have a contact form under Help in the menu. When sent the brand of device, OS and version are included in the message. Otherwise here is our contact email:
We do not have the resources for phone support.

Useful Links

AstroDeinst world atlas lookup:

Information on the Systems Approach:

International Institute of Predictive Astrology:

Groups.io Systems Approach related groups:
https://groups.io/g/satva (general astrology)
https://groups.io/g/samva (mundane astrology)

Astro-Databank Wiki Project:
Large collection of astrological data collected by Lois Rodden and contributors.

Hank Friedman’s Astrology Software Site
Reviews and guides to using astrology software including Jyotish Tools products.