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JyotishTools Pro for Windows 10

JyotishTools for Windows 10 is now available. It works on desktops, laptops, notebooks and tablets with Windows 10.
It comes with a 7 day free trial so you can try before buying.

If you have the original JyotishTools for Windows you can import the horoscopes from it one at a time or all horoscopes
in a folder. You can also do this with Junior Jyotish horoscopes. If you have a QuickJyotish chart file you can also
import horoscopes from those. Chart databases from the Android version of JyotishTools as well as Tropical Skies may
also be imported if you’ve transferred them to your PC or tablet.
BTW, importing can often take some time because the process checks for exact duplicates in your current database.

This app was also tested on an inexpensive Windows 10 tablet and I found everything working except for the maps option.
Unfortunately the tablet only has 1 GB and maps uses a lot of memory even on desktop so it should work if you have a tablet
with at least 2 GB of memory.

Those wondering why it only works on Windows 10 devices thats what Microsoft is primarly supporting anymore mostly due to
the availability of a free Windows 10 upgrade a couple years back. This version as was the Android version was developed
using Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2017 and the Xamarin cross development system and for Windows only supports Windows 10.

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JyotishTools.com does not collect any personal data on our website. The Microsoft Store, Google Play, Apple iTunes and Amazon both have their own Privacy Policies so refer to those when ordering from them.

The Online Horoscope does not store any personal information on the website

Android apps only make limited use of permissions so that app licensing, GPS and online help will work. Storage and access to external memory is for storing horoscopes, pictures of charts for your use and access to atlases. GPS or Location is limited to finding your present location for current transits.

Some of our apps include a contact form which does collect the platform, device model and OS version running the app which is sent along with the user message. This expedites supporting the user's help request.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on May 12th, 2024. If you have any questions feel free to contact us directly at support@jyotishtools.com.