Update: I have added Profession by Retrograde to the Professions section. Also explanation of Jupiter progression and link to video on Major and Minor progression.
This is for retrograde Saturn or retrograde planets. Retrograde planets are additionally evaluated from the sign behind them and as strength half.
Some may also wonder why I do Jupiter progression at 12 years in each sign. That’s because from my experience it seems to work the best and appears too that R G Rao used it. Going around the zodiac as a round would mean that similar events would occur every 4 years. I don’t find that life is that busy. Seems like the planets in each direction set the theme for for that direction. But we’re all students and researchers here trying to understand how this system works and why it does work so well.
Here is a short video by Vinayak Bhatt of Saptarishis Astrology on the concept of the “Major” Jupiter progression of spending 12 years in each sign and the “Minor” progression of 1 year in each sign. Note that the video is in Hindi but the Closed Captions as well as the Transcript are available in clear English:
Timing of Events Using Jupiter Progression in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi
I’ve added this new section to JyotishTools.com dedicated to Bhrigu Nandi Nadi (BNN) which is gaining a lot of popularity on the web these days. I also have added a new web app, BNN ScratchPad, to aid in learning this form of astrology. Read more in the article on the NEWS section.
For an overview of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi plus a demonstration of BNN ScratchPad be sure to watch the video:
If you’re not an English speaker you may click the CC button for Closed Captions which can be set in the YouTube settings for auto-translation to your own language.
Click Here to run BNN Scratchpad
As mentioned in the article there are numerous videos, articles and books about Bhrigu Nandi Nadi. The late R G Rao did publish some books on the method unfortunately most are out-of-print. The method is quite simple and can be broken down into simple steps.
One book I probably overlooked more due to it’s cover than content is “What is Nadi Astrology” by Yayathi (the cover shows a palm leaf horoscope). This is an inexpensive book that does a good job of covering the subject including some sample horoscopes. It is dedicated to R G Rao’s method. Available on Amazon:
I suspect some will doubt that such a simple system which is capable of accurate predictions but give it a try. You might be surprised.